Prior to his retirement in 1974, Norman Collinson was Chairman of Leak & Thorpe Limited; a large department store in York. During his lifetime Mr Collinson was a regular benefactor of charitable causes. In 1978 he decided to form the Norman Collinson Charitable Trust; he believed that he had benefited commercially from the people of York and wanted to return some of the benefit to the community.

A Trust Deed was prepared and was formally signed in 1979. The Trust was registered as a Charity (No 277325). The Trust Deed stipulates that ‘The Trustees shall hold the income of the Trust Fund on trust to pay or apply the same to such lawfully established Charities or for such lawful charitable purposes and in such shares and in such a manner as they in their absolute discretion think fit.’  

Norman Collinson died in 1984. The capital of the Trust was provided by Norman Collinson; with a further generous donation by his brother, the Rev G W Collinson once the Trust was established.

In 2009, the Trustees of the John Hodgson Charitable Trust agreed to transfer their assets to the Norman Collinson Charitable Trust, and the Trustees will endeavour to use the funds in a manner which seeks to continue and expand the work of the John Hodgson Charitable Trust.

In 2020, Mr J M Saville as one of the original trustees, retired and the Trust remains indebted to the knowledge and commitment that Mr Saville brought during his 41 years of tenure. 

The current Trustees are: Miss A Bloomer (Chair), B Catton, A Dixon, N Everard, D C Fotheringham, Mrs R Kelly, Mrs J Morley and Mr C Prest.

The Clerk to the Trustees is Dianne Hepworth (see contact page for details).

Norman Collinson Charitable Trust
The Mile
YO42 1TW

Tel: 01759 322102

Registered charity number: 277325